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Download: N E P T U N E S, a Sound Saga

Size: 12.8 MB

Date: Dec 2001

Description: Post 9-11 version of the Dec 2000 Neptunes, an electronic soundscape and musical fantasy adventure depicting a shipwreck at sea, loosely tied to childhood memories of rough transatlantic crossings. In this update version, after long and terrifying ocean surges, the seas settle a bit and humpback whales and monkees come to the rescue. Entertaining yet profound.

The main sound source [instrument] for the saga is a water mister for plants, whose recorded sounds have been treated with various electronic growth hormones such as VSamp and SoundHack. The piece includes vignettes from other works by Tess and clips from a Frank Loesser song. Assembly ProTools.

Download: N E P T U N E S, a Sound Saga [pre 9-11 without whales or Monkees]

Size: 12.5 MB

Date: December 2000


Creative Commons License
Tess Heder 's The Soundscape "Neptunes" is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License