~ Water Music ~   A series of multi-track music pieces composed from home recorded sounds of water. Listen or download. MP3s.


Listen or Download: Neptunes
Size: 12.9 MB
Date: Dec 2001
Description: Post 9-11 version of the Dec 2000 Neptunes. A musical fantasy of a shipwreck at sea, loosely tied to memories of childhood transatlantic crossings. In this version, humpback whales and monkees come to rescue. Entertaining yet profound. Main sound source is a water mister for plants, whose recorded sounds have been treated with various electronic growth hormones such as VSamp and SoundHack. The piece includes vignettes from other music written by Tess and clips from a Frank Loesser song. Assembly ProTools. Chapter "Whales Beached and on the Deep" on "Singularities" DVD.

Listen or Download: WaterWalk
Size: 6.5 MB
Date: Nov 2000
Description: Non-beated music to walk to by Tess Heder composed entirely with sounds recorded from a water mister for plants. Minimal sound processing or alterations from the live recording. Segments used as a water pad in some later pieces, notably On the Deep off Squirrel Island with Whales [2002] and WaterWorks [2006] above. Assembly: Protools.

Listen or Download: WaterWorks
Size: 5.7 MB
Date: Sept 2006
Description: A sweeping Soundscape of calm open seas. Percussion track, misc. sounds, fog horns, and the reading of a short Schiller poem found online at The Freesound Project play over the abbreviated 2001 water pad WaterWalk.

Listen or Download: Rainy Maui
Size: 6.7 MB
Date: May 2006
Description: Soundtrack to the video "Rainy Maui, January 2006 a Mood Piece " the rainiest January every recorded in East Maui. The Soundtrack showcases Buddy Guy and Jr Wells Chicago blues rendition of the Whittaker tune Feels Like Rain. Amazon